Saturday, April 28, 2012

week 12

Werner Bünning, Christoph Blaschke and Mirko 

This image is from three photographers who made a pin hole camera out of a dumpster.  i think is an interesting process that they use.  They take theme photographs on silver gelatin printing paper.  these prints are about 31 in x 41 in.  and the exposures for these are normally 30 minutes long.  The image is nice, how the black is framing the amusement park  the contrast is nice as well.

Scott Wade

This image is by an artist who does these drawings on cars.  he uses the the dirt and the mud on a car in order to create these images, these drawings.  i think it is interesting to see that this artist is using this natural like material to make the art work.   by doing these works of landscapes, example image on the left, he is able to connect the medium to the image.  and that is deep.  I think that this is an 

Laura J. Bennet

This photograph is called Memory Best Forgotten.   it is a platinum palladium print and it is only 4x5.  this multiple exposure is interesting because of the hand reaching through the girl.  it makes you think, from the title of this piece, that this hand is taking away memories from this girl.  like she wants to forget them.  the contrast is beautiful and the figure has a ghostly  like appearance.  and that face on the girl is interesting as well.  like she is serious and is aware of this process that is going on with her and forgetting her memories.  



Friday, April 20, 2012

week 11

Jim Golden

This image shown has a feeling of boredom or tiredness.  like the woman is stressed or is going through a rough time at work.  But it has this story behind it that is interesting.  it is able to make the viewer think what wrong?  the color are softly toned and they are not over powering the eyes.  the posture of the figure even looks like she is stressed.

Sam Oscar

This monochromatic color scheme is interesting.  I think that is shows a nice variety of the tones within in the image.   The fans are interesting because they all are from a different period or different time and it shows how they were being transforms year to year sort of.   The fans sitting in the squares are cool because they level the fans and they contain them nicely as well and is abel to show different  as well.

Anton Tag 

This work is from a series called Cardboard People.  It is filled with these scenes of the cardboard people and what they do in their lives.   In this photo i enjoy the gesture that the person on the right is doing. it is like asking a question or confuse like gesture.   but the wet ground works nicely it add more light in the picture. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 10

Dumt & Farligt
This piece is called Stillness in Motion and it is by Olga Ziemsak.  This piece is showing this motion of her grown or a speed like quality to it.  I think it is interesting i think that the photographer was trying to show what people would look like if we were one with the earth.  These branches were from a willow tree.  The piece has a motion like feeling as well.

Per Johansen

These still lives are from a series of work were the photographer wanted to see what food would look like in plastic bottles.  And than what is interesting are the diptych pairings.  How the collar greens and the chicken are paired up?  But the chicken and the eggs are really neat being paired up.  because it show a before and after thing to it.  like their birth and their death.

Christina Garcia Rodero  

This photo is interesting.  it has this ritualistic feeling from it.  like how she is allowing the knife go in her mouth and kill her.  and the look on her face is soft like she is allowing it almost.  but she is scared to.  But the lighting in the image is nice as well and has nice contrast level as well.  The drama that is going on here is effective and works wonderfully.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

week 8...............

Jennifer Fleet

this image is from a series called imaginary.  I really enjoy this whimsical and dream like quality to it.  The colors are a but muted and it is interesting to make you think, is this going to be a good dream or a nightmare.
the artist statement said that she wanted to show where imaginations come from and how they work.  There is this airiness to this photo because of the large sky and the bubbles floating with the girl in it.

Ernst Haas

This image is called Wall Street,  and it was taken in 1952.  This image's texture is nice.  it has this quality where the photographer had smeared chemicals or an encaustic all over it.  It gives the image a water like flow feel to it.  It is like the photographer is trying to show the chaos of Wall Street.  it is interesting.  the image or the photograph itself is not seen very well.  and it has this blue like tone to it.

J Bennet Fitts  

This image is nice it reminds me of a Dutch Landscape painting because the sky is taking over a majority of the photograph.  I like that the sky is not very blue as well. It is gray and it has this normality feeling to it almost.  The houses are nice they are not highly saturated and dull colors.  i enjoy the colors that are being used in this image.  this is like a birds eye perspective or vantage point from where the photographer took the image.  The road in the image is nice it leads the viewers eye towards the back of the image, like towards that sky.

Week 9.....

Valerie Burke

This is called Light Lady  and it is from Valerie Burke's Abstraction Series.  I like this abstraction of the human body i think it is beautiful.  I like the lighting that is going on in it as well.  it has this glow around the figure.  I like the  simplicity of the photograph as well.  i think the gesture or the pose that the lined figure is doing is dynamic and is nice.  it looks like it is in motion.  the black background is able to make the abstracted figure glow even more.  The ground of the photograph is nice as well.  it has this really interesting texture to it.

Shane McCallister

Charlie Puts On His Jacket, is the title of this photo.  The image has a everyday type of feel to it, like a normality.  the doll is a wee bit creepy but at the same time interesting.  The lighting is nice and it has this nice softness to it as well.   This image sort of remind me of Paige would do.  I say this because it has this creep feel and i get this story board like quality to the series of work with this doll.

Tim Forcade

This image is called Discovered In Water.    It is an abstraction once again.  I think that this image is a horse, this photographer works by simplifying the figure or subject. The colors are vibrant and has this water like quality or a stained glass quality the image as well.  the texture that ha given allows some motion to to be seen.

week 7

Gabriel Orozco

Mi Officina II  is what this image is called to the left.  I like the nature being connected to the office and is being intertwined within the space.  I like muteness of the photograph as well.  The lighting in the window is nice, it shows a nice sunny day and it is not an overpowering light that blows out the image.  The scene seems really peaceful and serene.  like nature is intertwine with the work space. It is showing that you cannot work all the time you have to have some peace or down time and not be consumed with work.

Tom Peterson

  This work is called Yellow.  It is from of a series called Out of Sight.  I think this photograph is interesting because of the black cable fighting to catch the viewers eyes from the vibrant and saturated yellow.  The red patch is there and it looks like it is about to be consumed by the yellow.  The texture of the wall itself is interesting.  and the movement of the black wire is nice too it helps guides the viewer's eyes  through the space and to show depth.

Curtis Frounier  

This is Florence 2010.  it is a nice piece because it looks like a painting.  There is this interesting texture in the photo and this painting like quality to them.  The piece has his symmetry sort of ish in it.  and the blue and standing out from the dark greens and blacks.  There is like this glossy like look to it as well. It has like wax paper type of texture.  there is this dark and gloomy feel to the picture as well.  And the abstraction is nice as well.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 6.....

Daniel Kauffman

This photograph's color is saturated and is very nice.  It has a liveliness to it because of the green grass and the nice bright sky.   But the building has an industrial like feel to it but it not like this hard solid metal industrial feel to it but a urban, softer industrial feel.  I think that the colors with in the image compliment each other extremely well.  I dont know how i feel about the circle being in the middle of the image.  I think it would be nice to see it off center some.  But i do like the symmetry of the square windows on the buildings.  i think they are nice and that the fact that the building is two different colors and they are not symmetrical is a nice touch as well.

Anna Orlowska

This picture is fro her series of work called "The Day Before".  I think the lighting in this photograph is amazing!  I think it is interesting how much light the figure is getting from the refrigerator alone.  But it makes the image interesting and makes me think why is this woman up it looks like it should be like in the middle of the night and she cannot sleep, but why?
and the balloon?  But hey it is really nice.  The colors are amazing, it shows a nice range of tones and values.  The lighting in it really sets the mood of the image as well.

Julie Becker

This image is called Interior Corner #2.  It is currently located in the collection of the Guggenheim  in New york.  I think this is a nice photo.  The color of the rug or the floor is interesting because it is ver vibrant and it is just an interesting rug to have or see in general.  The wall paper within the image is interesting as well.  The rug and the wall paper shows this elegance or like this class to the interior space.  Like it is from or belongs in the royal palace of the Queen of England or something like that.  But the lighting is interesting i will say because the top is bright and the wall paper has this gold like look to it.  But as you look down towards the floor of the image, the design on the image looks more black, not gold.

Friday, February 24, 2012

week 5 blogs

 Silvestre Machado

This photo is called Building of Stone with Shutters.  I like the colors in the photograph.  The analogous color scheme that is going on really works well.  I think it is interesting to see that door look like it is floating on wall.   the composition of the photo is nice i like the simplistic ness of the subject matter.  the stone wall has a nice texture to it, like it is not over powering the image but it is nice to see a random pattern to break up that saturated orange.   I found this photographer in B&W magazine, the color edition.

Robert Hale

Adelyn, i saw this photograph and i thought of you.  I like the texture of the image.  I think it is interesting.  This photographer is also from B&W magazine.  I think it reminds me of a painting or a painter like quality to it.  THis is from a series of works called water abstractions.  I think this image works compared to others.  Like it feels dynamic and has motion to it because of the ripples of the texture and the random like lines of the branches.  Some of his other stuff that i was looking through was nothing special i thought.  I think they looked nice but nothing else caught my eye.  i think the colors are muted but have a vibrance to them that is able to catch the viewers eyes.  and the design of the whole thing is nice as well.

Walter de Maria
This photo is untitled and it is located in the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA.  I like the landscape.  i think it is nice to see the form of the mountain and the negative space the clouds and the sky creates in the image.  i also enjoy the format by the way, i think it is nice to se more of the form of the mountain rather than seeing part or a section of it.  the texture of the mountain is nice, like we are able to see or actually feel it because of it.  it is able to show a nice sense of space and size as well.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

week 4

John Baldessari

Six Couples: People and Animals  This photo is very interesting.  I like how the subject is colored in and is popping out and stands out from everything else in the photograph.  the colors that are used in the photographs are all complimentary.  Some of the photographs that are used in these look very common or photographs look like I have seen them before but because they are displayed with this color on top, it makes them different and pop.  I like the interesting format as well. I think that is mostly why i am drawn to this photographer.  

Sam Taylor-Woods
Five Revolutionary Seconds VII 

Ok i like this format.  or i think i do because now i am looking for cool and amazing photographs that work in this format and they are helping me see how i can shoot like this and what i can look for when i shoot.  I like how the panorama of the room it is able to show the environment of the space.  I think that lighting is nice how they used  it in space as well. i think it is nice that it is all natural lighting as well.  The figures within the work is nice as well.  i enjoy how they are scattered throughout the environment.  it helps show a sense of space and depth of it as well.

   Ryan Woodward

This animation was made for a music video and it is amazing.  the motion of the figures are fluent and seamless.  I think that this video is beautiful it shows that a simple figure drawing is able to turn into an amazing animation.  I think this makes me want to photograph movement. like dance and show the moments in between. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 3

Doug Richard 

This is part of an exhibition in the MoMA.  Richard takes pictures of ares with very little jobs.  He would look up these locations using Google Maps where he would than locate, take some photos of the location, and than digitally manipulate his photos with the Google Maps image with his own.  I like the color in the work.  i think it is beautiful.  I like the street view of it as well.  It is nice and the google image that is involved is not that notice able, like to just shows motions like the guy walking in the bottom left hand corner, it looks like he is walking but i think he was manually placed there.

Mitch Epstein 

This photo is beautiful.  I like how he color is contrasting with the background.  how the gray makes the background muted and the foreground pop.  It is sort of color punctuation but not.....???  But the composition is wonderful and how the perspective is like off the ground, but not.......  The photo is interesting in general.  how the residential feeling is contrasting with  industrialization of the power plant.  It shows how close we are to industry.  And it makes ,e think is this a good thing? is this dangerous?

Eugene Richards 

This photo is from Eugene Richard's The Blue Room.  I think this is amazing!  The color of this room is beautiful. Like it shows that is is aged and it is abandoned.  The lighting is nice that show on the bed just adds to the photo.  It makes the photo give a cold feeling. it is weird like the temperature is cold or cool feeling but the sheets on the bed are warm so they are contrasting each other.  The lighting is nice as well.  It is subtle and not overly dramatic.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 3 Stephen Shore

Self Portrait

I think this is a successful picture that he took.  I like the arrangement of the subjects and of stephen himself.  i like how the figure is not necessarily the main focus of the picture, but the other subjects like the lamp and the record player  help add to the photo.  They show the environment of the figure.  The image is desaturated as well which i like.  The colors are not very bold and bright to stand out i think they are subtle and they add to the image.

When i saw this image i was like WTF.  Why would someone take a photo of this.  I do not like the composition, i don't like subject. i dont think it is interesting.  I think if he was going to take a photo of this than he might as well have just taken a photo of her vagina, with outher underwear on.  I do not think this is appealing to the human eye i dont think this works especially for some of his other stuff.

I like this print. I think this is successful.  The photo is nicely balanced like the darkness on the left is balanced with the darkness on the right.  And the light is centralized in the middle of the frame.  Also the fridge is nicely placed with the position of the door way.  This photo is very muted and is very nice.  I think it is interesting as well because of the ceiling being in the frame as well.  i think if the ceiling was not in the frame, the image would not work.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Color Week One!

Brad Carlile

This photo is called Paccity3.  This photographer captures these colors not through artificial lights but through natural light.  he took this picture multiple times from one perspective.  This photo is really nice it show the color beautifully.  It is vibrant and full of light. i like the fact that the bed is not made, it looked lived or slept in.  I like that fact because if seems more human nature to leave a bed messy compared to leaving it all clean.  it makes the space looked lived in.

Sarah Pickering

This photo is called Farrance Street, 2004.  This photo has color punctuation in it because of the doors in the back.  The colors of them are very bright and how a high saturation level to them that they stand out.  But i have to say that i like the gray as well the cinderblocks gives the image this industrial feel to the image.  I also like the image because the walls of the building lead you eye towards the back ground of the photo.  the trash in the alley way is nice as well it show the environment of the setting as well. The setting of the picture sort of contrast with the doors of the photo.  like the doors are these bright vibrant things that draw the eye while everything else isn't.  it is all gray and gloomy looking.

Ok so i don't know who did this or where this is, i think Berlin maybe????    But you have to check this out because this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!   it is dynamic and creative and this is just a wonderful and influential.  It has inspired me to do a painting lol.  But besides that i thin it is creative and wonderful and just pure amazing!  Every time i see this my jaw drops!