Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 3 Stephen Shore

Self Portrait

I think this is a successful picture that he took.  I like the arrangement of the subjects and of stephen himself.  i like how the figure is not necessarily the main focus of the picture, but the other subjects like the lamp and the record player  help add to the photo.  They show the environment of the figure.  The image is desaturated as well which i like.  The colors are not very bold and bright to stand out i think they are subtle and they add to the image.

When i saw this image i was like WTF.  Why would someone take a photo of this.  I do not like the composition, i don't like subject. i dont think it is interesting.  I think if he was going to take a photo of this than he might as well have just taken a photo of her vagina, with outher underwear on.  I do not think this is appealing to the human eye i dont think this works especially for some of his other stuff.

I like this print. I think this is successful.  The photo is nicely balanced like the darkness on the left is balanced with the darkness on the right.  And the light is centralized in the middle of the frame.  Also the fridge is nicely placed with the position of the door way.  This photo is very muted and is very nice.  I think it is interesting as well because of the ceiling being in the frame as well.  i think if the ceiling was not in the frame, the image would not work.


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