Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 9.....

Valerie Burke

This is called Light Lady  and it is from Valerie Burke's Abstraction Series.  I like this abstraction of the human body i think it is beautiful.  I like the lighting that is going on in it as well.  it has this glow around the figure.  I like the  simplicity of the photograph as well.  i think the gesture or the pose that the lined figure is doing is dynamic and is nice.  it looks like it is in motion.  the black background is able to make the abstracted figure glow even more.  The ground of the photograph is nice as well.  it has this really interesting texture to it.

Shane McCallister

Charlie Puts On His Jacket, is the title of this photo.  The image has a everyday type of feel to it, like a normality.  the doll is a wee bit creepy but at the same time interesting.  The lighting is nice and it has this nice softness to it as well.   This image sort of remind me of Paige would do.  I say this because it has this creep feel and i get this story board like quality to the series of work with this doll.

Tim Forcade

This image is called Discovered In Water.    It is an abstraction once again.  I think that this image is a horse, this photographer works by simplifying the figure or subject. The colors are vibrant and has this water like quality or a stained glass quality the image as well.  the texture that ha given allows some motion to to be seen.

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