Sunday, January 22, 2012

Color Week One!

Brad Carlile

This photo is called Paccity3.  This photographer captures these colors not through artificial lights but through natural light.  he took this picture multiple times from one perspective.  This photo is really nice it show the color beautifully.  It is vibrant and full of light. i like the fact that the bed is not made, it looked lived or slept in.  I like that fact because if seems more human nature to leave a bed messy compared to leaving it all clean.  it makes the space looked lived in.

Sarah Pickering

This photo is called Farrance Street, 2004.  This photo has color punctuation in it because of the doors in the back.  The colors of them are very bright and how a high saturation level to them that they stand out.  But i have to say that i like the gray as well the cinderblocks gives the image this industrial feel to the image.  I also like the image because the walls of the building lead you eye towards the back ground of the photo.  the trash in the alley way is nice as well it show the environment of the setting as well. The setting of the picture sort of contrast with the doors of the photo.  like the doors are these bright vibrant things that draw the eye while everything else isn't.  it is all gray and gloomy looking.

Ok so i don't know who did this or where this is, i think Berlin maybe????    But you have to check this out because this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!   it is dynamic and creative and this is just a wonderful and influential.  It has inspired me to do a painting lol.  But besides that i thin it is creative and wonderful and just pure amazing!  Every time i see this my jaw drops!

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