Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 3

Doug Richard 

This is part of an exhibition in the MoMA.  Richard takes pictures of ares with very little jobs.  He would look up these locations using Google Maps where he would than locate, take some photos of the location, and than digitally manipulate his photos with the Google Maps image with his own.  I like the color in the work.  i think it is beautiful.  I like the street view of it as well.  It is nice and the google image that is involved is not that notice able, like to just shows motions like the guy walking in the bottom left hand corner, it looks like he is walking but i think he was manually placed there.

Mitch Epstein 

This photo is beautiful.  I like how he color is contrasting with the background.  how the gray makes the background muted and the foreground pop.  It is sort of color punctuation but not.....???  But the composition is wonderful and how the perspective is like off the ground, but not.......  The photo is interesting in general.  how the residential feeling is contrasting with  industrialization of the power plant.  It shows how close we are to industry.  And it makes ,e think is this a good thing? is this dangerous?

Eugene Richards 

This photo is from Eugene Richard's The Blue Room.  I think this is amazing!  The color of this room is beautiful. Like it shows that is is aged and it is abandoned.  The lighting is nice that show on the bed just adds to the photo.  It makes the photo give a cold feeling. it is weird like the temperature is cold or cool feeling but the sheets on the bed are warm so they are contrasting each other.  The lighting is nice as well.  It is subtle and not overly dramatic.

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