Wednesday, April 18, 2012

week 8...............

Jennifer Fleet

this image is from a series called imaginary.  I really enjoy this whimsical and dream like quality to it.  The colors are a but muted and it is interesting to make you think, is this going to be a good dream or a nightmare.
the artist statement said that she wanted to show where imaginations come from and how they work.  There is this airiness to this photo because of the large sky and the bubbles floating with the girl in it.

Ernst Haas

This image is called Wall Street,  and it was taken in 1952.  This image's texture is nice.  it has this quality where the photographer had smeared chemicals or an encaustic all over it.  It gives the image a water like flow feel to it.  It is like the photographer is trying to show the chaos of Wall Street.  it is interesting.  the image or the photograph itself is not seen very well.  and it has this blue like tone to it.

J Bennet Fitts  

This image is nice it reminds me of a Dutch Landscape painting because the sky is taking over a majority of the photograph.  I like that the sky is not very blue as well. It is gray and it has this normality feeling to it almost.  The houses are nice they are not highly saturated and dull colors.  i enjoy the colors that are being used in this image.  this is like a birds eye perspective or vantage point from where the photographer took the image.  The road in the image is nice it leads the viewers eye towards the back of the image, like towards that sky.

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