Friday, February 24, 2012

week 5 blogs

 Silvestre Machado

This photo is called Building of Stone with Shutters.  I like the colors in the photograph.  The analogous color scheme that is going on really works well.  I think it is interesting to see that door look like it is floating on wall.   the composition of the photo is nice i like the simplistic ness of the subject matter.  the stone wall has a nice texture to it, like it is not over powering the image but it is nice to see a random pattern to break up that saturated orange.   I found this photographer in B&W magazine, the color edition.

Robert Hale

Adelyn, i saw this photograph and i thought of you.  I like the texture of the image.  I think it is interesting.  This photographer is also from B&W magazine.  I think it reminds me of a painting or a painter like quality to it.  THis is from a series of works called water abstractions.  I think this image works compared to others.  Like it feels dynamic and has motion to it because of the ripples of the texture and the random like lines of the branches.  Some of his other stuff that i was looking through was nothing special i thought.  I think they looked nice but nothing else caught my eye.  i think the colors are muted but have a vibrance to them that is able to catch the viewers eyes.  and the design of the whole thing is nice as well.

Walter de Maria
This photo is untitled and it is located in the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA.  I like the landscape.  i think it is nice to see the form of the mountain and the negative space the clouds and the sky creates in the image.  i also enjoy the format by the way, i think it is nice to se more of the form of the mountain rather than seeing part or a section of it.  the texture of the mountain is nice, like we are able to see or actually feel it because of it.  it is able to show a nice sense of space and size as well.  

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