Wednesday, April 18, 2012

week 7

Gabriel Orozco

Mi Officina II  is what this image is called to the left.  I like the nature being connected to the office and is being intertwined within the space.  I like muteness of the photograph as well.  The lighting in the window is nice, it shows a nice sunny day and it is not an overpowering light that blows out the image.  The scene seems really peaceful and serene.  like nature is intertwine with the work space. It is showing that you cannot work all the time you have to have some peace or down time and not be consumed with work.

Tom Peterson

  This work is called Yellow.  It is from of a series called Out of Sight.  I think this photograph is interesting because of the black cable fighting to catch the viewers eyes from the vibrant and saturated yellow.  The red patch is there and it looks like it is about to be consumed by the yellow.  The texture of the wall itself is interesting.  and the movement of the black wire is nice too it helps guides the viewer's eyes  through the space and to show depth.

Curtis Frounier  

This is Florence 2010.  it is a nice piece because it looks like a painting.  There is this interesting texture in the photo and this painting like quality to them.  The piece has his symmetry sort of ish in it.  and the blue and standing out from the dark greens and blacks.  There is like this glossy like look to it as well. It has like wax paper type of texture.  there is this dark and gloomy feel to the picture as well.  And the abstraction is nice as well.

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