Friday, April 20, 2012

week 11

Jim Golden

This image shown has a feeling of boredom or tiredness.  like the woman is stressed or is going through a rough time at work.  But it has this story behind it that is interesting.  it is able to make the viewer think what wrong?  the color are softly toned and they are not over powering the eyes.  the posture of the figure even looks like she is stressed.

Sam Oscar

This monochromatic color scheme is interesting.  I think that is shows a nice variety of the tones within in the image.   The fans are interesting because they all are from a different period or different time and it shows how they were being transforms year to year sort of.   The fans sitting in the squares are cool because they level the fans and they contain them nicely as well and is abel to show different  as well.

Anton Tag 

This work is from a series called Cardboard People.  It is filled with these scenes of the cardboard people and what they do in their lives.   In this photo i enjoy the gesture that the person on the right is doing. it is like asking a question or confuse like gesture.   but the wet ground works nicely it add more light in the picture. 

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