Saturday, April 28, 2012

week 12

Werner Bünning, Christoph Blaschke and Mirko 

This image is from three photographers who made a pin hole camera out of a dumpster.  i think is an interesting process that they use.  They take theme photographs on silver gelatin printing paper.  these prints are about 31 in x 41 in.  and the exposures for these are normally 30 minutes long.  The image is nice, how the black is framing the amusement park  the contrast is nice as well.

Scott Wade

This image is by an artist who does these drawings on cars.  he uses the the dirt and the mud on a car in order to create these images, these drawings.  i think it is interesting to see that this artist is using this natural like material to make the art work.   by doing these works of landscapes, example image on the left, he is able to connect the medium to the image.  and that is deep.  I think that this is an 

Laura J. Bennet

This photograph is called Memory Best Forgotten.   it is a platinum palladium print and it is only 4x5.  this multiple exposure is interesting because of the hand reaching through the girl.  it makes you think, from the title of this piece, that this hand is taking away memories from this girl.  like she wants to forget them.  the contrast is beautiful and the figure has a ghostly  like appearance.  and that face on the girl is interesting as well.  like she is serious and is aware of this process that is going on with her and forgetting her memories.  



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