Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 10

Dumt & Farligt
This piece is called Stillness in Motion and it is by Olga Ziemsak.  This piece is showing this motion of her grown or a speed like quality to it.  I think it is interesting i think that the photographer was trying to show what people would look like if we were one with the earth.  These branches were from a willow tree.  The piece has a motion like feeling as well.

Per Johansen

These still lives are from a series of work were the photographer wanted to see what food would look like in plastic bottles.  And than what is interesting are the diptych pairings.  How the collar greens and the chicken are paired up?  But the chicken and the eggs are really neat being paired up.  because it show a before and after thing to it.  like their birth and their death.

Christina Garcia Rodero  

This photo is interesting.  it has this ritualistic feeling from it.  like how she is allowing the knife go in her mouth and kill her.  and the look on her face is soft like she is allowing it almost.  but she is scared to.  But the lighting in the image is nice as well and has nice contrast level as well.  The drama that is going on here is effective and works wonderfully.

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