Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 6.....

Daniel Kauffman

This photograph's color is saturated and is very nice.  It has a liveliness to it because of the green grass and the nice bright sky.   But the building has an industrial like feel to it but it not like this hard solid metal industrial feel to it but a urban, softer industrial feel.  I think that the colors with in the image compliment each other extremely well.  I dont know how i feel about the circle being in the middle of the image.  I think it would be nice to see it off center some.  But i do like the symmetry of the square windows on the buildings.  i think they are nice and that the fact that the building is two different colors and they are not symmetrical is a nice touch as well.

Anna Orlowska

This picture is fro her series of work called "The Day Before".  I think the lighting in this photograph is amazing!  I think it is interesting how much light the figure is getting from the refrigerator alone.  But it makes the image interesting and makes me think why is this woman up it looks like it should be like in the middle of the night and she cannot sleep, but why?
and the balloon?  But hey it is really nice.  The colors are amazing, it shows a nice range of tones and values.  The lighting in it really sets the mood of the image as well.

Julie Becker

This image is called Interior Corner #2.  It is currently located in the collection of the Guggenheim  in New york.  I think this is a nice photo.  The color of the rug or the floor is interesting because it is ver vibrant and it is just an interesting rug to have or see in general.  The wall paper within the image is interesting as well.  The rug and the wall paper shows this elegance or like this class to the interior space.  Like it is from or belongs in the royal palace of the Queen of England or something like that.  But the lighting is interesting i will say because the top is bright and the wall paper has this gold like look to it.  But as you look down towards the floor of the image, the design on the image looks more black, not gold.

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