Tuesday, February 14, 2012

week 4

John Baldessari

Six Couples: People and Animals  This photo is very interesting.  I like how the subject is colored in and is popping out and stands out from everything else in the photograph.  the colors that are used in the photographs are all complimentary.  Some of the photographs that are used in these look very common or photographs look like I have seen them before but because they are displayed with this color on top, it makes them different and pop.  I like the interesting format as well. I think that is mostly why i am drawn to this photographer.  


Sam Taylor-Woods
Five Revolutionary Seconds VII 

Ok i like this format.  or i think i do because now i am looking for cool and amazing photographs that work in this format and they are helping me see how i can shoot like this and what i can look for when i shoot.  I like how the panorama of the room it is able to show the environment of the space.  I think that lighting is nice how they used  it in space as well. i think it is nice that it is all natural lighting as well.  The figures within the work is nice as well.  i enjoy how they are scattered throughout the environment.  it helps show a sense of space and depth of it as well.  


   Ryan Woodward

This animation was made for a music video and it is amazing.  the motion of the figures are fluent and seamless.  I think that this video is beautiful it shows that a simple figure drawing is able to turn into an amazing animation.  I think this makes me want to photograph movement. like dance and show the moments in between.      


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