Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week something or other

Emmet Gowin

This shot was taken by Emmet Gowin.   I like the circle in of branches that is surrounding the figure.  I think it help contains the viewers eyes.  Also I think that the circle is symbolic for life as well.  The tones, which there are not many of because of the contrast works very well with the imagery and helps with the mood of the photo.

Joel Meyerowitz

I like how the circle is blocking the woman's face.  It makes me think why?  was her face ugly? was she so pretty that if he took a picture of her face. would she break it? the world will never know.  Also I like the angles that are going on with the window.  It helps draw the eye towards  the woman.

Amanda Ross-Ho

Irreconcilable Indifference is the title of this work.  The photo makes me think of questions and i wanna know more about it.  Like the eyes.... Why are they cut out?  and i like how the child is holding the crayon showing that he did the drawing on the faces.  I like how the color is mainly on the child and the crayon.  It emphasizes the color and makes the black and white photo sort of stand out more.

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