Monday, December 5, 2011

week something or other......

Brian Duffy
This is a photo that was taken by Brian Duffy and the model is Jean Shrimpton and was taken in 1963.  I like this because of the tonal range mainly.  I like how white the figure is in the photo and there is not a lot of variety on grays and black.  I like the simpleness of the photo as well.  and the expression on the face is amazing as well.

Jay Maisel

I like the lighting in this photo.   How the only light that is being produced is because of the head lamps of the miners.   I think the negative and the positive space that the light creates is interesting as well.  And how yellow it is as well.

Joan Myers   

  This is from a series from western power.  I like that it is symmetrical but it is not at the same time.  And the geometric shapes does wonders as well.  I like the monotone color scheme as well.   It makes the image more powerful.   I do think that there is a lot to look at in the photo but only if you look deep into the distance of the power plant but i think over all this is a wonderful print.

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