Thursday, November 17, 2011

week something.....

Alvin Langdon Coburn

So this right here is a vortograph.  This is when you make an image by repeating it multiple times making the image abstract.  I think that this photo is interesting because of the abstract shapes and how there is a sense of motion that is going on in the photo it gives the image a more dynamic feeling to it.     


Roger Fenton

This photo is called The Double Bridge on the Machno.  It is by Robert Fenton and was taken in 1857.  i like the shape of the image.  I think it is different and a unique boarder.  The tones in the image is nice as well.  And the sense of blur is interesting and adds to the picture.


Lewis Hine  

  I think being able to capture a moment like this is beautiful.  The figure is just standing there thinking.  It looks like she is in a daze.   It shows the quiet moments in life, especiallye you are at work.   

1 comment:

  1. Fenton's Double Bridge isn't supposed to be blurry, I think you just uploaded a small file. Here's a larger version:
