Saturday, November 5, 2011

week.... 10?

David Levinthal

This photograph is by David Levinthal and it is from a series called Modern Romance and it is from 1084-1986.  I do but i don't like this photo.  I like the fact that it is a scene you can witness in reality and he was able to achieve that by using dolls.  I like the composition of the figures as well. i think that it makes it more realistic.  But what i don't like about it is the lighting.  i think it is too over powering.  But i have to say that this photo also reminds me of maps' photograph that he is doing now because it looks like it was shoot from a security camera.



This photograph i think in interesting.  How these shadows are formed behind the black tiles and how it has this sense of motion is amazing.  I like the positioning of the figures in the picture as well.  I think that this photograph has this pop art feel to it almost because of the retro style and dynamic feel to it, except it is only in black and white......


Christopher Becker

This photo is by a contemporary photographer from his series of night landscapes.  I like this piece because of the motion that trees have.  The swirling just captures your eyes and makes you wonder around the image.  I like the light as well i think that doesn't over power the photo as well.  

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