Sunday, October 23, 2011

week 8

Clarence John Laughlin

This piece was taken by, Clarence John Laughlin and it is called The Appearance of the Anonymous Man.  This is a nice piece of work, it is simple ish, but full of meaning.  The person in the photo has a veil on to represent her being unseen because they are dead.  Though out his work Laughlin uses veils to help represent spirits or death, and this is because he wants to portray them as ghost or spirits of New Orleans.  And the wall, that has the holes in it is amazing it shows the world around us is decaying.

Max Waldman 

This photo above is called Experimental Nude #5  I love how abstract this is.  The tonal range is beautiful and there is some grain there as well.  I think those two things adds to the picture itself.  and if you look at it, would one really think it was a person?  i wouldn't.  But also there are these curves and riffles and this volume that this picture has that is beautiful.  It show \s this weird shape, this abnormal composition.

Minor White

   This is called Barn and Clouds by Minor White.  I really like this photograph because of the sky.  I think the dark sky contrasting with the white gray clouds look amazing.  and than how the barn is almost as dark as the clouds is mimicking each others.   The photo too an extent looks a little surreal to a certain degree. it makes me think did he use infra red film to make this photo how is it or is it just a negative print........

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