Saturday, October 8, 2011

week.... i forget already.....

Lewis Baltz

This photo is called Nevada, 1977 and it is by Lewis Baltz.  This photo has some nice lighting because how the silo-wet of the mountain is dark and the house is bright.  I think that the mountain in the background is mimicking the shape of the house.  Also i think that it is going with the stuff that i have been working on now.  That is possibly I like it.  I like the composition of the house as well.  It is not perfectly centered and it makes the mountain in the back look centered.



So this photograph is taken by the one and only Weegee.  This picture can make people question why is that light is bright.  I like it. Ok so i know it is on a movie theater but that is the projection light.  but why is it so bright?  what was his reasoning for it? It was done my a long exposure.  But it is just interesting.  ANd i like how dynamic it is as well.


Joel-Peter Witkin

This photo is by Joel-Peter Witkin and it is called "Beauty has Three Nipples" and it was taken in 1998.  THis photograph is different.  I like his technique I will say that he scratches your negative and manipulated them as well.  He would sometime bleach his prints in the printing process and toned some of them as well.  He was inspired by living with a freak show and he found love there, but when he could not live with them he decided to take pictures of "freaks".  I think i like how he executes his photography more than the subject matter.  I say this because i am interested in him technique and how he printed his work.

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