Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week......... yeah i forget...

 Robert Mapplethorpe

i like this diptych.  i like the composition of it.  How one is sitting and the other is standing is nice.  i get two different feelings these photos.  one i get a proud, feeling or sense from while the other i get a sense of a blankness like no emotion.   the lighting is nice as well.
i dont like the mat of the photographs though.  i think if they were white or black they would be interesting and make the photographs pop.  


Lothar Wolleh

This photo i love.  i like the negative space. i think it is beautiful.  and the figure is place nicely in the frame.  and the only thing that is breaking up the whiteness of the walls is the black lines. i think it is interesting because of how blown out the print is.  but i love it


Jill Greenberg

AHHHHH!!!!!!1  this is amazing!!!!!!!!  i think this series of work is amazing! the emotion that comes out of the pictures are just powerful.  i think these are strong and can hit someone in the face with these pictures.  The color is nice and very picture is different.  all the kids are in different poses or positions and every little child cries differently as well so their emotion on every one of their faces are different.  I love it!

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