Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week something or other

Emmet Gowin

This shot was taken by Emmet Gowin.   I like the circle in of branches that is surrounding the figure.  I think it help contains the viewers eyes.  Also I think that the circle is symbolic for life as well.  The tones, which there are not many of because of the contrast works very well with the imagery and helps with the mood of the photo.

Joel Meyerowitz

I like how the circle is blocking the woman's face.  It makes me think why?  was her face ugly? was she so pretty that if he took a picture of her face. would she break it? the world will never know.  Also I like the angles that are going on with the window.  It helps draw the eye towards  the woman.

Amanda Ross-Ho

Irreconcilable Indifference is the title of this work.  The photo makes me think of questions and i wanna know more about it.  Like the eyes.... Why are they cut out?  and i like how the child is holding the crayon showing that he did the drawing on the faces.  I like how the color is mainly on the child and the crayon.  It emphasizes the color and makes the black and white photo sort of stand out more.

Monday, November 21, 2011

week idk....

robert mapplethorpe

This photo is called Lisa Lyon and it was taken in 1981.   First off the texture that is shown on the figure is amazing.  I like how it looks like the paster (i think that is what it is) is covering the entire figure.  And how it crackles from the front of her body to her back side is a nice touch as well.  It shows this aging affect to the figure and I think it is interesting.  Also i the fact that she still has a ring on her finger adds this affect that she was stuck like this.  And i think it was left there on purpose and it has a meaning on commitment as well. 

Frederick Sommer

The blur here is used beautifully in my opinion.  I think that the out of focus is needed too an extent to make the image interesting.  I think if the image was in focus it would look like any other portrait of a woman.  And how it was printed is well done also.  The hair of the figure is dark and the tonal range of the figure is wonderful.  You can sort of get this volume of the person in the photo.

Jeff Wall

This photo is called Storyteller.  I like this because of the stetting is so simplistic and not the usual place one would take a photo at.  I like that because it is like exposing a unfound place, a place where people like to hang out and chill. I like that the colors are very simple they are not extremely vibrant or over powering i think that it is simple.  This is printed big as well so you can see all the details that are in the photo and it is amazing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

week something.....

Alvin Langdon Coburn

So this right here is a vortograph.  This is when you make an image by repeating it multiple times making the image abstract.  I think that this photo is interesting because of the abstract shapes and how there is a sense of motion that is going on in the photo it gives the image a more dynamic feeling to it.     


Roger Fenton

This photo is called The Double Bridge on the Machno.  It is by Robert Fenton and was taken in 1857.  i like the shape of the image.  I think it is different and a unique boarder.  The tones in the image is nice as well.  And the sense of blur is interesting and adds to the picture.


Lewis Hine  

  I think being able to capture a moment like this is beautiful.  The figure is just standing there thinking.  It looks like she is in a daze.   It shows the quiet moments in life, especiallye you are at work.   

Saturday, November 5, 2011

week.... 10?

David Levinthal

This photograph is by David Levinthal and it is from a series called Modern Romance and it is from 1084-1986.  I do but i don't like this photo.  I like the fact that it is a scene you can witness in reality and he was able to achieve that by using dolls.  I like the composition of the figures as well. i think that it makes it more realistic.  But what i don't like about it is the lighting.  i think it is too over powering.  But i have to say that this photo also reminds me of maps' photograph that he is doing now because it looks like it was shoot from a security camera.



This photograph i think in interesting.  How these shadows are formed behind the black tiles and how it has this sense of motion is amazing.  I like the positioning of the figures in the picture as well.  I think that this photograph has this pop art feel to it almost because of the retro style and dynamic feel to it, except it is only in black and white......


Christopher Becker

This photo is by a contemporary photographer from his series of night landscapes.  I like this piece because of the motion that trees have.  The swirling just captures your eyes and makes you wonder around the image.  I like the light as well i think that doesn't over power the photo as well.