Saturday, September 10, 2011


Bill Brandt

Campden Hill is a photo that was take in London in 1953. This photograph was taken at an interesting angle and perspective causing the model to have these enormously large arms and big hands.  I enjoy how Brandt is distorting the human body, making it seem different.  I enjoy this photo due to the contrast that the photographer used to create this picture.  It makes the picture all around more dramatic.  The figure or the subject looks like it has a feeling of plasticity making the model feel cold and fake.  


Herb Ritts

This photo was taken in 1989 and it is called Djimon With Octopus.  This photograph is beautiful.  It is weird because there is an octopus on this persons head, however it brings the photo together.  I believe that if this sea creature was not on the head of this person,  this picture would just be a typical portrait.  ANd I love the fact that the eye of the sea critter is open as well because the model's eyes are closed.  The contrast on this photo is beautiful, it shows a nice variety of tones shadows ad highlights.


Arthur Tress

This photo is amazing!!!!!!!!  I do not know how he did this or if he found this or what not but i believe it is beautiful.  THe expression on the face is what i think makes the whole picture.  Also the tonal range is beautiful as well.  THe composition is ok.... but because the head of the figure is up so much, it makes the composition work.  THis is just a weird and unique photo that was captured in a beautiful way.   ANd i like the background as well.  The setting of this photo is interesting and adds to the photo as well.  It is called Singing Chair and was taken in 1977


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