Monday, September 19, 2011



This photo is by Ralph Eugene Meatyard, I like this photo because it is a different photo compared to the other stuff he shoots.  I do like the whole mask thing, and the creepiness feel they give off. But This photo reminds me of a photograph that I took.  But the emotions hat are portrayed in this photo are strong and the house in the background is a nice touch to contrast with the lightness of the foreground.

Rinkeke Dijkstra 

   This is one of my favorite/ top photographers of all time!  I think her work is amazing and they are not just the typical portrait.  I think her pictures of full of these amazing situations and stories.  This photo is one of my favorites.  The little girl has this expression on her face that just love.  It is just straight,  hiding the emotion of all that she has been though. I like how neutral the background is compared to her dress as well.  It is a nice contrast.  And this photo over all is  just amazing because of this photographer would track this girl down every year and photographer.  Dijkstra did a series on her and the series is amazing!

Steve McCurry

 This photo is called Mother and Child.  It is by Steve McCurry, some of his stuff was in National Geographic, and his famous picture that he is most famous for is the Afghan Girl.  But i this one more.  How the water is on the windows and how the hand is touching it.  I love it.  But the look in the mothers face is subtle but the look on the face of her child is more amazing.  I like the fact that all colors in this are dark besides the dress of the mother.  It stands out and tries to brighten jup the photo.

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