Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Tierney Gearon uses a persective from a child's point of veiw.  By useing this point of veiw we are wble to see the, maybe not see but even feel how small the childrem are.  Also from this perspective the viewer is able to see more of the childre with their masks on and not be consumed with the bright background.  The link where i found this picture is

On the left here, there is photo by Rudolph de Ram.  HE named this photo "Sky Scratcher."  The site where i found this pictue is found at  this photo demonstrates a perspective that is like a ant's view.  This photo has good composition and the contrasting grays a nice.  And also the black cloudy boarder is able to contain the veiwer's eye with in the subject matter, which I like.

 Here on the left, there is a photograph from B&W Magazine.  The image was found here  (  The perspective of this image is very nice.  The angle from which the picture was taken is different compared to others.  I think that when one is looking at a subject from this type of angle, the subject would be buildings, not a woman.  The composition of this piece is nice and the format in which the picture has been printed on is nice as well.  the long image is able to sort of compliment the body of the woman.  It also makes the photograph flow better as well.    

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