Friday, February 11, 2011

Light and Shadow (con't)

 Rut Blees Luxemburg demonstates light and shadow as well.  Here in his picture called "Nach Innen" has a nice glow of light and has an interesting perspective as well.  The link to the site were i found this photograph is  The depth of field is interesting as well because of the fact that the stairs are out of focus and just about everything else towards the back of the photo is in focus.  The light that is glowing in the back of the photo is sort of heavenly or has that type of quality to it.  To sort of shows how in a way.  Or at least makes me think of hope.  

Osamu Kanemura is able to show light and shadow in their photos.  Here in the photo below, he is able to light in a nice way.  The single window is allowing the light to be dramatic but at the same but not too dramatic.  the site where i found this image is at  


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