Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Abstract Photography

Mark Raymond Mason did this photograph that is abstact.  The lines in this photogrpgh to the rightare very curvaliniear and is able to lead your eye around the picture nicely.  I also like how the blots of whatever it is get smaller as they decend back into space.  The site where i found this photo from is http://www.markraymondmason.com/C01370BW.php

Here on the left, i found this photogrpahy by this russian photographer, Ciro Totku.  The series of photos by this photographer were taken in Cambodia.  I found this photograph interesting.  I beleive this because the the interesting compostion of the things that are hanging off the wall.  Also I like the shadows that the things that are hanging off the walls are casting and i think that the photo is more interesting becasue the wall is not perfectly white.  Because of this, the wall show age and rusticness.  i found this photo at http://www.totku.com/advertising.html

Here on the right is an x-ray photo that was taken by Walt Wenzel.  I do like this photogrpahy, because of the amazing glow of the shell.  Also i like how the veiwer is able to see the outside but the inside as well.  I beleive it is neat and interesting what photographers are able to do now and days with the technology that we have.  It makes me think about the futurer and what it may be able to bring us and the ideas that  could let us complete.  I found this at http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://waltwenzelphoto.artspan.com/show-image/899684/Walt-Wenzel/White-tibia.jpg&imgrefurl=http://waltwenzelphoto.artspan.com/large-view/Inner%2520Dimensions/245314-4-0-19955/Architecture.html&usg=__m5mZ9G14rAKFgSSrHCLQTEhzFpY=&h=500&w=382&sz=44&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=hvKFpRkm0UTKNM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=144&ei=aBFkTeDmCsH38Aars9HhCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwalt%2Bwenzel%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26biw%3D1499%26bih%3D798%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1268&vpy=82&dur=140&hovh=257&hovw=196&tx=127&ty=140&oei=aBFkTeDmCsH38Aars9HhCw&page=1&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Tierney Gearon uses a persective from a child's point of veiw.  By useing this point of veiw we are wble to see the, maybe not see but even feel how small the childrem are.  Also from this perspective the viewer is able to see more of the childre with their masks on and not be consumed with the bright background.  The link where i found this picture is http://www.tierneygearon.com/.

On the left here, there is photo by Rudolph de Ram.  HE named this photo "Sky Scratcher."  The site where i found this pictue is found athttp://www.deramphotography.com/large-single-view/gallery/269906-8-9993/Photography/Black%20&%20White/Nature.html.  this photo demonstrates a perspective that is like a ant's view.  This photo has good composition and the contrasting grays a nice.  And also the black cloudy boarder is able to contain the veiwer's eye with in the subject matter, which I like.

 Here on the left, there is a photograph from B&W Magazine.  The image was found here  (http://www.bandwmag.com/galleries/nude/100.1.jpg).  The perspective of this image is very nice.  The angle from which the picture was taken is different compared to others.  I think that when one is looking at a subject from this type of angle, the subject would be buildings, not a woman.  The composition of this piece is nice and the format in which the picture has been printed on is nice as well.  the long image is able to sort of compliment the body of the woman.  It also makes the photograph flow better as well.    

Friday, February 11, 2011

Light and Shadow (con't)

 Rut Blees Luxemburg demonstates light and shadow as well.  Here in his picture called "Nach Innen" has a nice glow of light and has an interesting perspective as well.  The link to the site were i found this photograph is http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/gallery/2009/mar/09/rut-blees-luxemburg-photography#/?picture=344058425&index=9.  The depth of field is interesting as well because of the fact that the stairs are out of focus and just about everything else towards the back of the photo is in focus.  The light that is glowing in the back of the photo is sort of heavenly or has that type of quality to it.  To sort of shows how in a way.  Or at least makes me think of hope.  

Osamu Kanemura is able to show light and shadow in their photos.  Here in the photo below, he is able to light in a nice way.  The single window is allowing the light to be dramatic but at the same but not too dramatic.  the site where i found this image is at http://www.schaden.com/book/KanOsaOsa04267.html  


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Light and Shadow

Here is a picture that is able to demonstrate light and shadow beautifully.  The name of this photographer is Naoya Hatakeyama.
The link where her collection of light and shadow photographs are located here (http://lagallery-frankfurt.de/hatakeyama3.html).  She is also in the book Blink (which is where I originally found the photographer).  Her photographs are interesting looking because of the tunnels.  The dark tunnels are able to have a nice  composition because of the placement of the light.  Also I think the the reflection off the water in some of the tunnels are able to give the viewer more to look at and is able to help move the eye around in the picture.