Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Here in the right is a photographer named Dan Mumford.  i like this photograph because of the exposure.  The castle being combined with eh head of the woman is very nice.  i like how her hair is also not just hair but it is plants or trees.  i think this is an interesting photograph.  I believe that this is an interesting take on a classic or "standard" portrait of someone.  


Above us right here is an amazing photography by Scott Mutter.  Here we see another multiple expose photo.  I think that the photographer has amazing ideas with his prints and what images to combine.  I like how the backround is foggy and hazy, and i also like how the door fits perfectly inside the rock.  
 I found this image at http://www.photographymuseum.com/mutter/revolving.html

Here above me is a photograph by Duane Michals .  The title of this piece is "Magritte with Hat."  I like the simplicity of the photo.  I think that the simpler the better sometimes.  However, the photo is complex as well.  I think that the layers of this photo is very  nice.  I do not believe that he as just two layers but he has exposed it three time.  I found this photo at  http://chagalov.tumblr.com/post/2346118735/magritte-with-hat-1965-by-duane-michals-via-ma


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